
Angels, from the Realms of Glory

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J. Montgomery


1. Angels, from the realms of glory,

Wing your flight o' er all the earth;

Ye who sang creation's story

Now proclaim Messiah's birth:

/:Gloria in excelsis Deo.:/


Shepherds in the field abiding

Watching o'er your flocks by night,

God with man is now residing;

Yonder shines the infant Light:

Gloria ...


Sages, leave your contemplations,

Brighter visions beam afar;

Seek the great Desire of Nations;

Ye have seen his natal star.

Gloria ...


Saints before the altar bending,

Watching long in hope and fear,

Suddenly the Lord, descending,

In his temple shall appear:

Gloria ...


Though an infant now we view him,

He shall fill his Father's throne.

Gather all the nations to him,

Every knee shall then bow down.

Gloria ...


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