Melodi: Antonio Carlos Jobim 1961 - Tekst: Newton Mendorca 1961
This is just a little samba built up on a single note.
Other notes are bound to follow but the root is still that note.
Now this new one is the consequence of the one we've just been through. As I'm bound to be the unavoidable consequence of you.
There's so many people who can talk and talk and talk and just say nothing, or nearly nothing.
I have used up all the scale I know and at the end I've come to nothing,
or nearly nothing.
So I come back to my first note, as I must come back to you.
I will pour into that one note all the love I feel for you.
Anyone who wants the whole show re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti do,
he will find himself with no show. Better play the note you know.
Musikken er skrevet af A.C. Jobim, som her har leveret et af de kendteste eksempler på bossa nova: den nye rytme/stil i brasiliansk musik i 1960' erne (bossa nova betyder ny bølge). Melodien provokerer ved at hævde, at man kan lave et intenst omkvæd på en tone, blot den 'swinger' i den nye rytme.
På dansk blev teksten den provokerende 'Hvad skal vi med kvinder? i en sprælsk duet mellem Jørgen Ryg og Preben Kaas. De to herrer hævder at kunne klare sig uden det modsatte køn, men se bare slutningen ...