også kaldet: The most beautiful sound
Melodi: Leonard Bernstein. Tekst: Stephen Sondheim
Leonard Bernstein er i sine musikdramatiske værker en mester i at kombinere mange stilarter med enkle og smukke melodiske fraser. 'Maria' er fra hans musical 'West Side Story', hvor der både er latinamerikanske danserytmer, jazz, cool jive og ekspressive kærlighedssange; Læg mærke til, hvordan det store melodiske spring i refrænets begyndelse rent musikalsk fortæller om vanskelighederne i det begyndende parforhold mellem Tony og Maria.
The most beautiful sound lever heard:
Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria.
All the beautiful sounds of the world in a single word:
Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria,
Maria, Maria, Maria,
I've just met a girl named Maria,
and suddenly that name
will never be the same to me.
I've just kissed a girl named Maria,
and suddenly I've found
how wonderfuld a sound can be!
Say it loud and there's music playing.
Say it soft and it's almost like praying.
I'll never stop saying Maria,
Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria,
Maria, Maria, Maria,
say it loud and there's music playing.
Say it soft and it's almost like praying.
I'll never stop saying Maria,
the most beautiful sound lever heard: