
Mom in love, Daddy in space

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Eistrup / Eistrup


Walking bones choose your own direction.
Go have fun some place else.
Bring your Soul and your Beach Boys records.
I can’t stand, to have you here.
So worn out, cold and dehydrated.
Fortunes spend, dads in space.  


Every home should have a mom in love,
And a daddy in space.
Chinese porcelain cats to guide her love,
In the window space
Show her some respect; she’s all worn down.


For years to come I will not forget you;
As my son, as my pain.
Time will heal what now feels so wounded.
Tears are spilt, the holes will fill.


Every home should have a mom in love
And a daddy in space.
Chinese porcelain cats to guide her love.
In the window space
Show her some respect; she’s all worn down.
Show her some respect; she’s all worn down.
Show her some respect, she’s all worn.


- Every home should have a mom in love
And a daddy in space.
Chinese porcelain cats to guide her love
In the window space...

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